Friday, December 18, 2009

Diabetic Trucker Menu My Dad Is A Trucker And Has High Blood Pressure What Are Some Ways He Can Lose Weight Out On The Rode?

My dad is a trucker and has high blood pressure what are some ways he can lose weight out on the rode? - diabetic trucker menu

led cross-country caravan to eat and maybe only twice a day to the trouble of making sandwiches for lunch and I do not think he knows what they are healthy snacks. Whenever I try to you things that you can only say, oh ya and does nothing, the doc himself HES borderline diabetes, and he has not tried. I am diabetic I know it stinks not being able to eat what you want, but less than depriving the user interface. Please can someone me a few tips on how I help my father to lose weight and eat better and get down your bp.

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