Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Citronella Bark Collar How Much Do Static And Citronella Bark Collars Cost?

How much do static and citronella bark collars cost? - citronella bark collar

For those who do not believe in them and they say I do not have a dog, or try other methods other than breath. Do not reply. His "advice" is not to be heard, and save your energy and just continue. I have tried to bark all the methods of training with this dog. I had four other dogs very well.


Curtis M said...

Static? Do you mean electric? Because you do not work citronella collars and cuffs. I suggest you buy a chain or quality Dogtra Tritronics ... more than the most expensive, but like most electronics, you get what you pay for.

Unstoppable!! ALWAYS! said...

A nail is enough.
Buy real bark collar ... Began really works! Instead of spring, around w / Cry Baby useless stuff.
Work only $ 40-ish.

"Real" BITE Bark Collar, Petsafe it stinks not decent .... for $ 40 She got one last time.

Unstoppable!! ALWAYS! said...

A nail is enough.
Buy real bark collar ... Began really works! Instead of spring, around w / Cry Baby useless stuff.
Work only $ 40-ish.

"Real" BITE Bark Collar, Petsafe it stinks not decent .... for $ 40 She got one last time.

BMTHESPI... said...

The static (also known as shock) collars bark usually run about $ 80 for a model of good quality (ie, Dogtra). Citronella is usually $ 40-80. I recommend going on static neck tend to be much more effective.

marci knows best said...

You can be as citronella collar Peep at least $ 40. These seem to work best are the type that are far away. They cost about $ 100, but can squirt of lemon whole room or the terrace at random times. This seems to cause the dog to ask if they occur randomly and bark.

I tried the regular classroom, and quickly found my dog when she turned her head, which can not be beaten with lemongrass too. \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ U0026lt; sigh>

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