Friday, January 29, 2010

Sports Tampons Buy I Want To Buy Tampons Myself, But I'm Embarrassed...?

I want to buy tampons myself, but I'm embarrassed...? - sports tampons buy

So yes, I've had with the pillow! I really want to tampons now, I had my period for two years. I do not want to see my mother and she asked me what I ask my grandmother to take me to the pharmacy and tell him to be quick, or else wait in the car decided. I am ashamed to be paid to the Fund, as even if one type or another thing ... I'll buy a few magazines and other things that my grandmother did not see it in his pocket. Please help! So, what brand of tampons are used? I think Playtex Sport. Thank you!


Sbear! said...

Only in this way do not be shy! Many people wear pads just like their pills to buy ... I buy all the time you are more comfortable (if properly used, one can not even feel it) and do not feel like youre wearing a diaper lol and I mean that the bet cash cares what you buy. Playtex sport buy, which generally Whatevers for sale, which I frankly much difference in (feel that) the applicator, and usually result in absorption of regular em only be sure to change so often to see what you need . dont leave it too long =) well

what's your crime said...

Some stores have self-checkout! (many grocery stores.) This is where you just scan it yourself, try for a business of self-analysis that much help with embaressment. :)
They should not be Embaressed, but I understand. If you do not automatically scan and then try to go on a field with a girl, and every natural act. Pay no attention to anything and something a little more and something like a magazine to get interested glance at a shelf, while it is checked. If the natural is, everything will go well in the hood. :)

Any type of Playtex tampons are really good.

I am me said...

Yes, PLATEX Sport is the best! thoes are the ones who have learned from the first and still use. I bought my car a man a buffer against kosher, and I'm only 14th Employees do not really, he is already known. every action, and it normally.

Tawnee C said...

More compact absorption Get Low! not the normal embarressed to buy this shit! Grandmother was probably your mother probably has its normal

♥mystère♥ SPACS secretary said...

I do not use tampons !!!), (too scary, but it looks is like a good plan:)

black_wi... said...

The first well, not embarrassed to buy tampons. Periods are a natural thing for every woman and must therefore not be embarrassed by it. Secondly, you as the Diva Cup is much better than pads or tampons and can save a lot of money.

singingb... said...

Oh my. Have fun with it! lol

Well, you have nothing to be ashamed of. Only if we walk through the town and the baby on the counter. Nobody is looking for even a second. The only shame is that the man at the counter when the buffer should be removed and drag it into the scanner!

But .. On another note, be careful if you have a buffer if the seal is broken, do not use if you know what I mean. Sometimes it can hurt and sometimes even get in a small package, if you only want to try.

Good luck !!!!!!

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