Thursday, January 21, 2010

Herpes Cure Future Do You Think That In The Future There Will Ever Be A Cure For Herpes?

Do you think that in the future there will ever be a cure for herpes? - herpes cure future

If not even explain / why. Best answer I get 10 points! : D


purple said...

There is a real possibility for the treatment of herpes. First of all shares features are some viruses that make them sensitive to the improvement of antiviral therapy. Secondly, we can heal some viruses such as hepatitis C. A few years ago did not even know how to identify hepatitis C.

A global program for vaccines can eliminate herpes, very similar to smallpox. But I think we are making great progress in virology. It's just a matter of time.

It would be difficult for me to explain the scientific basis for this, but I'll try. Note that it is not a virion to a discovery of a major protein component of the HSV in 1999. We now know that the VHS and prevents apoptosis (cell death) induced during its replication cycle. Because we understand the process of replication and reactivation to begin, we learn to compromise with the molecular pathways that could lead to a cure for VHS.

They also believe that the DVD does not extensively funded research. Dramatic diseases such as HIV and avian flu received more attention and more money. But wemade incredible progress in HIV and influenza. Think about it, HIV can now lead a normal life. We have identified the cause of bird flu and now works in prevention.

Unlike cancer, which appears out of nowhere, viruses are more easily studied. There is a whole branch of medicine goes beyond even smaller than viruses Cousin study prions. Because nanotechnology improves, will soon be able to study these microscopic organisms.

Be patient. There will be a cure.

cblrdy said...

There is much need for a cure. What irradicate could do would be to suppress symptoms and their ability to travel, too. This could be a lot easier. Or vaccine. This is done, no doubt, and probably in the not too distant.

If you have a cold and taking NyQuil and all symptoms disappear, feels good. If the spread of colds, she developed a cold with no cure to stop, without the ability to spread would have become obsolete. With symptoms of herpes, the only problem is getting rid of the symptoms, the elimination of the disease, and the company would not be feared.

kari said...

Herpes is a virus and the virus can not be with antibiotics that kill, such as bacterial infections. I honestly do not know to say whether it will make a cure, but it seems unlikely to me.

.... said...

I think I can, now think about the combination of drugs will get more income to help a patient to a life-threatening, they would launch a drug that can cure the

polleyth... said...

im sure there will soon be a lot more cures for things. i wouldnt be surprised if there is no cure for most cancers and other diseases, and perhaps herpes boubt, but thought it was simply not been released publicly Arent, because the companies put soo much money PHARMACUTICAL

high c said...

legitimize no cure for herpes. but there are drugs that relieve symptoms and improve healing time for the duration of the explosion to help.

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